Moto Parilla


A NEW establishment was built in Milan, Via OGLIO, 1, very close to the main factory in Via ANTONELLI, 3 , which in the meantime was expanded in height with n.3 more floors, up to the fifth.
The factory in Via Antonelli was manufacturing the mechanical parts, the metal thermal treatments, the engines assembly, the engines test and the bench test. The fourth floor was dedicated to the frames paint.

In Via Oglio there were all the executive, administrative and commercial offices, the bikes assembly lines, the testing units, the galvanic baths, the woodworking and shipping department, the workers canteen and the surgery with a full time medical service.
At WILIER TRIESTINA were assembled and welded the frames, the handlebars, the exhaust systems, all the metals shearing and the rust proof paint. And of course all the beautiful bicycles. The motorcycle models in the year 1953 were n.16


The most important news is the one regarding the 175cc. 4-STROKE. The engine, designed by the engineer Wiliam Soncini, showed a very unusual distribution's system, halfway between the 250cc. "Singleshaft" and the classic "rods and rockers". A new system where the valves movement is operated by a single cam, which isn't located as usually inside the crankcase, but closed to the head, and is rotating by means of chain. The cam controls the rockers through two light and very short aluminum rods with a carryover of steel on top and bottom. This system will be called "CAMMA RIALZATA" "lifted up cam".
This project will be extremely important because, apart from the commercial success, it will be the Parilla sport's weapon for the next ten years, due to the great versatility in its utilisations.
The engine will then be increased as displacement to 200cc, 215cc, 230cc, and 250cc, those sizes very requested by the USA market (as curiosity: a 251cc was built to take part to the 500cc. Motocross races). Afterwards the engineer CESARE BOSSAGLIA took care of the 175cc engine to update it and to increase performances.
Started the deliveries of the models: "FOX", "TOURING" and "SPORT", better known as "BASSOTTO".
The 175cc. 4-stroke motorcycle was made in n.25 different commercial models and n.10 different motorbikes.


The 150cc. 2-STROKE motorcycle with the models: "LUSSO", "SPORT", "BRACCO", "SCOOTER" and "MOTOCARRO" (Three-Wheeler) appeared on the market in 1953 as very real news launched by the Company. It was an expansion of the range which had as its basis the 98cc. 2-stroke engine designed by the engineer Alfredo Bianchi.

Moto Parilla

Levriere production, 1953

Moto Parilla

Italian tour, 1953


Furthermore it was born the 350cc. 4-STROKE twin cylinder engine designed by the engineer William Soncini. The three-wheeler "BULLDOG" became a 150cc. 2-stroke, with the engine located under the petrol tank, and no more on the front wheel.
Started the production of the scooter "LEVRIERE", proceeding hand in hand with the established 125cc. 2-stroke model.
In 1953 the production's area of the company was extended to over MQ. 9.000, and n.200 workers assembling n.70 motorcycles per day.
In 1953 were running on the roads n.23.866 Parilla motorcycles, of which n.13.088 newly registered.

Moto Parilla
Moto Parilla


The 1954 was regarding an incredible number of n.18 models. No other Italian or foreign company could do the same. The increase of the production was due to the intuition to make intermediate versions with the frame of the "Sport" and the engine of the "Touring". The 125cc. 2-stroke intermediate version was: "TURISMO SPECIALE" (Special Touring).
The 150cc. 2-stroke: "LUSSO SPECIALE" (Special Deluxe). The 175cc.4-STROKE: "SPECIAL TOURING". Regarding the 175cc. 4-stroke, the new "Sport" replaced the "Bassotto" which stayed in production with the name of "SPORT COMPETITION".

Inside the Company the offices were improved with modern furniture, to obtain the most comfortable setting. It was completed the METALS TREATMENT DEPARTMENT, a very important one. This department was operating under electronic controls, to get the most uniform treatment's result. Also the paint's department (a paint's raised system with drying infrared rays), got excellent aesthetic and qualitative results. This paint department was the best in Europe.

Moto Parilla

175cc Sport

Moto Parilla

175cc Sport


In 1954 there were n.37.867 Parilla motorcycles registered. The number of workers went up to 250.

We learn that the rider Pareto should have won the SOMALI NATIONAL CHAMPS on a 125cc. 2-stroke Parilla and that the rider Abaukadir got second position on another 125cc. 2-stroke Parilla.
The Bologna's TRAFFIC WARDENS adopted n.100 brain new 175cc. 4-stroke Parilla motorcycles, on the models "Touring" and "Special Touring".